5 Great Reasons To Buy Legacy And Social Equity Weed Brands

"I encourage people to buy legacy and social equity brands simply because these operators love the plant, and with that love comes a superior product and service. They’ve sacrificed more than money to be on shelves, and that accountability is rooted in their identity, there is no higher standard” - Peter Mercado-Reyes On The Revel’s Head of Content and Community

Higher Quality Cannabis

I’ve found that most of these companies have a strong relationship with cannabis as an agent of healing and hope. People of color and legacy folks have been growing and trading cannabis for a long time, understand what high-quality cannabis is, and take pride in that knowledge.

Right the Wrongs of Prohibition

By buying weed from people of color or legacy growers, you are participating in an authentic act of social change that has a purpose beyond your own. You are uplifting your neighbors and communities that have been harmed by the war on weed. This is not an act of being a savior, it’s merely using transactions to create positive change in your immediate community. These entrepreneurs don’t need to be saved, they just need a fair shot. They will do the rest.

Authenticity of Purpose

At the end of the day, we want a cannabis ecosystem with balance and equality, to the extent that human beings are capable of it. That means large, medium, and small businesses are all thriving. And it means that legacy operators and people of color have their shot. One great way to get there is to buy your weed from legacy and social equity companies.

Help Compete Against Scaled Operators

It’s one thing to root for small companies, but another to give them your hard-earned dollars. It’s sometimes difficult to find these companies. They are small. They don’t have a lot of marketing dollars to spend. They can be hidden off the beaten path. One must put in some effort to find and discover them, but they’re there and they’re worth the search.

Bonus: It’s Fun!

Finding these companies and products pays off with gratifying knowledge of lending a helping hand and a joyful experience of high-quality weed. So I challenge you as a cannabis consumer to take the extra time and seek out these organizations, brands, companies, and people. The way you will feel from doing so will have you coming back time and time again.

Catch The Full Story Here


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