Celebrating Cannabis Legalization and Decriminalization In NJ


On Monday, February 22, 2021, Governor Phil Murphy signed three bills that legalization and decriminalization adult-use cannabis. The bills also eliminated the criminal penalties for underage cannabis use.

The years of fierce struggle and immeasurable effort – campaign after campaign, hearing after hearing – have finally paid off. The recreational use of cannabis is now legal in New Jersey. This means that the medical and recreational use of cannabis is here to stay for sure, and there is no more restriction or litigation against the safe and conscientious use of marijuana and all its derivatives within the state.

The tedious endeavor to legalize weed came to a head at the close of last year, after the State Assembly, then the Senate voted favorably on the bill for its legalization. However, tons of paperwork sorted for the legislature's order to take effect throughout the state.

For the many thousands of NJ cannabis users throughout the state, this is really good news, especially for the black community that has suffered from the targeted victimization of the law in the past. Everyone has some cause to celebrate because weed is now open and legal on the market in New Jersey. This creates an abundance of opportunity, not only on the social scene but also on the economic stage.

The Celebration Goes Around

The weed market is and has been in a state of a high potential explosion. The legalization of all forms of the substance for the mainstream market means the caps are finally off. And with the substance-free for distribution and use, you can sit back and watch another industry boom in 21st-century NJ, thanks to the sacrifice of many, especially those of color. A huge for all players involved, from farmer to the manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer to final user.

The industry is projected by the Marijuana Business Daily to yield over $1 billion dollars in sales within New Jersey alone, resulting from medical marijuana, alternative medicine, and just plain old recreational stones. This huge potential and high yield of NJ cannabis will eventually affect everyone in the marijuana space and beyond. Business in the neighborhood bound to become a lot juicier and much diversified in terms of users and usage.

The legalization of recreational NJ cannabis for adult-use is already having a ripple effect in the northeast region, and we expect it to push on through to the coast of Maryland and Virginia. Many political players will be banking on this industry to help offset the dismal economic effects of the pandemic.

Societal Impact

It's highly probable that the NJ legalization of weed for recreation will positively impact social integration and interracial collaboration throughout the state. It is well-known fact that almost 4 times more black people get arrested for weed possession than whites. And incarcerations for possession were detrimental to individuals and the black community as a whole.

Already, the bills passed include partial restitution for all those who suffered jail time for their interactions with weed pre-legalization. By the provision of a 'clean slate' only where infringements were related to weed possession or distribution. However, people are still getting arrested for weed possession in New Jersey despite the legislature's decision made by the legislature last year.

Since the beginning of the year, over 6000 people have been arrested by the police, including the well-known weed proponent. And vocal advocate for the NJ legalization of marijuana as a recreational substance, Ed Forchion, also known as NJ Weedman. Of course, it comes as no surprise that the greater part of these arrests obeys the existing statistics.

Already there are existing concerns that Black-owned businesses are not going to thrive as much they ought to. Although Black people have suffered the most from the impact of former laws concerning pot.

Breaking Into the New Market

Now that stones are legal in New Jersey, there is, technically, a new and very lucrative market out there. Although the sale of weed has gone on for many decades, it is only just becoming legal. And, as with all things legal, there are tons of government regulations to follow now.

Licenses required for producers and distributors of recreational marijuana at all levels. This is to create some regularity and safety in this new market. But could also put a bar on who can sell and who can't.

Enjoying the New Realm in NJ

It's great to have a somewhat new economic environment with massive potentials for gains for all players involved. There is already a strengthened collaboration around marijuana use in NJ. And legalized recreational use will definitely help break social barriers and create new planes for interaction across the community.

Health benefits cannot be overemphasized here, especially in the area of the psychological health of young people. Who is expected to be more greatly involved in the use of marijuana, considering that the laws are now in their favor. Also, the stigma associated with the use of the substance will wane with the advent of its legalization.

There is just so much to gain now. The government of New Jersey deserves some praise for opening up this arena of massive economic improvement, job creation, social justice, and equity.


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