Chocolope: This Potent Strain Provides a Contented Happiness

Chocolope Strain Background

Chocolope may have debuted back in the 1980s, but this plant is certainly never out of style. The brainchild of the talented Dutch gardeners at DNA Genetics, the cultivar is a nearly pure sativa mashup of Chocolate Thai and Cannalope Haze.

The former is a landrace strain native to Thailand which took the world by storm back in the 1960s, providing flower children of all types with an energetic and thought-provoking cannabis experience. Cannalope Haze is another DNA Genetics creation, with a lineage that spans a very different region of the globe: Mexico.

Featuring genetics from the Michoacán region in central Mexico, Cannalope Haze is also considered a nearly-pure sativa cultivar. The plant has a reputation for producing high levels of THC and inspiring a notable sensation of bodily relaxation. Both traits are also present in Chocolope, though the spirited offspring errs more cerebral than grounded.

Chocolope Strain Benefits

When looking for the cannabis strain that best suits you, following your nose almost always leads to success. While most cannabis strains can produce THC, CBD, or some variation of both, it’s the aroma molecules in the plant that distinguish the nuances between different cultivars.

While molecules may not sound very exciting, peeking into the unique chemistry of Chocolope provides some important details about the sativa strain. In laboratory tests, Chocolope showed moderate levels of the terpene fragrance molecules humulene, myrcene, and beta-caryophyllene, all molecules that offer a sweet and spicy fragrance to the Chocolope strain.

The science is still out regarding just how compounds in the plant interact with one another in the human body. However, researchers already have some ideas about some of the benefits these compounds might provide.

Bright-scented beta-caryophyllene may be beneficial for easing inflammation and calming anxiety. Musky myrcene, on the other hand, lends a hypnotic quality to many strains. Its this molecule that is partially responsible for relaxing the muscles and lulling consumers into a dreamy state of mind.



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