2021 and The Legalization of Marijuana in New Jersey

From funding the economy to breaking barriers for African Americans in the war on drugs. The legalization of marijuana in new jersey across the United States has provided wildly successful data points. Once we then examine the medical benefits (both mentally & physically) the success meter begins to substantiate significantly.

Eleven states (Alaska, California, Colorado, Illinois, Maine, Michigan, Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont. And Washington) have already begun reaping the benefits of cannabis legalization. By examining the positive outcomes from already legalized states. We can truly explore how cannabis legalization may affect the future of New Jersey.

The first and most obvious benefit of legalizing marijuana is from the plant itself. Consumers now have the option of purchasing flowers, CBD, topicals, edibles, and tinctures at a dispensary. The powerful healing properties in these products have known to treat a variety of mental and physical conditions. Marijuana is known as a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory as well as an immune system modular.

Cannabis can also help with anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders. While many people turn to alcohol, opiates, and other dangerous drugs, marijuana is an excellent substitute as it is less harmful and addicting. With New Jersey legalizing cannabis, there is potential that opioids. And other drug addictions may subside while providing consumers a new way to alleviate chronic conditions.

marijuana in new jersey

Legalizing Cannabis

Beyond the health benefits, legalizing cannabis is also a great way to bring in cash flow throughout a struggling economy. Currently, the black market is the only way to get recreational marijuana in states where it is illegal. This trend is taking away money from a labor force that could desperately use the additional income.

Luckily, legalization will provide a multitude of jobs from dispensary workers to growers, and just about everything in between. The great news is that many companies are conducting workshops & seminars to educate the general public about the career opportunities in NJ Cannabis. Company's like Leafy Green Agency are holding one-day "Masterclasses" that'll uncover just about every facet of the cannabis production cycle, you can view that event right here. We're also going to see high-level executives shifting industries to get on the "Green Rush" and be about a part of the budding industry, no pun intended.

First State Legalize Recreational Cannabis

In 2014, Colorado was the first state to legalize recreational cannabis. Since then, total sales have exceeded $6.56 billion, according to the state's department of revenue. While some of the money has gone toward implementation and enforcing the regulation of cannabis, a large sum has helped fund community programs. Coincidentally, many NJ residents are calling for Gov. Murphy to grant pardons for individuals incarcerated due to the "War On Drugs".

“This industry is helping grow our economy by creating jobs and generating valuable revenue that is going towards preventing youth consumption, protecting public health and safety. And investing in public school construction”, Governor Jared Polis said in a press release.

Oregon, the third state to legalize cannabis, has recently announced revenue spiked 45% as of December 2020 due to the pandemic. In the past, Oregon’s marijuana tax breakdown has sent 40% of tax revenue toward schools. 20% toward the state’s Mental Health, Alcoholism and Drug Services account, 15% to the State Police, 10% each to cities. And counties for law enforcement, and 5% to the Oregon Health Authority for alcohol and drug abuse prevention.

legalization of marijuana in new jersey

Criminal Activity

However, the Black Market has also contributed to criminal activity targeting minorities. Cannabis' social equity activists are working on a bill that would seek funds for programs intended to repair the damage from the war on drugs that has disproportionately targeted the black community. Oregon's new regime resembles the Portuguese model which aims to treat drug use as a medical, not criminal issue.

Did you know African Americans arrested for violating marijuana possession laws at nearly four times the rates of whites, yet both ethnicities consume marijuana at roughly the same rates? According to a 2020 analysis by the American Civil Liberties Union, in every single state, Black people were more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession, and in some states, Black people were up to six, eight, or almost ten times more likely to be arrested.

In New Jersey, African Americans are three-and-a-half times more likely to be arrested for possessing marijuana. New Jersey is also 25th among states in a ranking of racial disparities for marijuana-related arrests.

“The question no longer is whether the U.S. should legalize marijuana — it should — or whether marijuana legalization is about racial equity — it is,” said the American Civil Liberties Union.

By legalizing marijuana in New Jersey there is potential for funding across the state. As well as a new perception on drug use, and ultimately a hope toward closing the gap of racial inequalities.

After exploring how Marijuana has benefited states such as Colorado and Oregon. And after examining the racial disparities across the United States. We can hope to look forward to a brighter future for New Jersey.

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