New Jersey Residents Say Right to Use Cannabis at Home Outweighs Right Not to Smell Neighbor's Use, Poll Shows

More than a year into cannabis legalization in New Jersey, people say they're noticing the smell of cannabis — but most aren't bothered by it, according to a new poll. The survey also shows that far more people believe driving under the influence of alcohol to be “very dangerous” than say the same about getting behind the wheel after consuming marijuana.About half of adults in the state report having smelled marijuana from a neighboring house or apartment, according to the poll from Stockton University's Hughes Center for Public Policy. But more respondents said they think the right to use legal marijuana in one's own home (31 percent) is more important than the right not to have to smell cannabis being used by a neighbor (16 percent).Nearly half of participants (46 percent) said they thought the two rights were equally important.People aren't smelling cannabis all the time, of course: 14 percent said they smelled it coming from a neighbor often, 15 percent said it happened sometimes and 21 percent said it was rare. Another 49 percent said they never smell neighbors' cannabis consumption.Meanwhile 57 percent of New Jersey adults said they've smelled marijuana in public places either often (28 percent) or sometimes (29 percent). A third (32 percent) said they smell it rarely in public, while just 9 percent said they never have.“Not much thought was given to the issue of the smell of marijuana becoming part of the public landscape in New Jersey,” John Froonjian, director of the Hughes Center, said in a Wednesday press release about the survey. “There are hardly any places to legally consume these products, so people are lighting up in parks, at festivals, in parking lots and on the street.”Of all respondents, 90 percent said they were able to identify the smell of cannabis. And a majority (52 percent) said it doesn't bother them at all. Another 19 percent said it bothers them “a great deal” while 28 percent said it bothers them somewhat.While the new survey captures a snapshot of New Jerseyans' experience since legalization, the report is silent on the degree to which residents smelled or were bothered by cannabis use prior to legalization.Views on some questions varied considerably based on whether or not a person had consumed cannabis products in the past year. Among people who had, for example, 55 percent felt that the right to use legal marijuana in one's home outweighed a neighbor's right to not have to smell it in theirs. Among people who didn't consume marijuana, just 21 percent felt that way.CONTINUE READING THE FULL STORY HERE


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