Opioids vs. Marijuana: Where Veterans Stand in this Senseless Legal Tussle

When veterans return home from active service, they’re usually not the same people that left. Oftentimes, their bravery isn’t enough to shield them from the storms that begin to rage in their minds. And the severe mental health issues and trauma that arise.

To be fair, there are some sound treatment and support options to help vets through these struggles. Including medicine, psychotherapy, and group therapy. But there’s another ready, tested, and effective solution that’s been quite bewilderingly overlooked for decades.

opioids vs marijuana

Opioids vs Marijuana

Considering how difficult it is to access, it’s quite daunting to note that 15 states had passed laws to allow the use of marijuana for medical purposes as far back as 2009. Sadly, VA hospitals, clinics, and care centers in these same states continue to regard cannabis, prescribed or not. As an illegal drug that voids opioid contracts. The single justification that these professionals hide behind is the potential of cannabis abuse by veterans. However, there’s significant proof to show that opioids are far more addictive and destructive than cannabis.

Additionally, there’s evidence to the fact that Cannabis for Therapeutic Purposes (CTP) holds promise for treating PTSD and even serves to eliminate the abuse of opioids. In fact, NJ residents being treated for opioid abuse can now access medical marijuana as a part of their therapy. However, there isn’t yet substantial proof enough, in terms of multiple supporting studies on veterans, to convince skeptics, which is clearly because the opportunity has neither been well extended nor sufficiently explored.

And while the issue is being politicized back and forth in Congress and the Senate, more and more veterans face problems daily. That could be easier solved with the application of medical marijuana.

Apparent Deterrents

Apparent Deterrents

In 2017, a whole seven years after legalizing medical marijuana, the state of New Jersey identified post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as one of the diagnoses qualified for treatment with medical marijuana. Naturally, met with skepticism from all sides of the divide, including veterans and their families. Due to the shroud of misinformation and half-truths that veils the substance.

The results prove that medical marijuana may just be the ideal respite for veterans struggling with their mental health, with several testimonials to support it. Still, we currently have to deal with a rather interesting double standard: VA doctors can discuss the medical marijuana option with veterans but cannot prescribe, recommend, or direct the use of cannabis.

Meanwhile, veterans remain apprehensive of the option to use medical opioids vs marijuana because of fear. That information about their use of cannabis will used against them in the future. Even though the VA promises security. There’s also the fact that, although vets naturally given preference when it comes to employment opportunities. Cannabis use is a disqualifier in competing for federal government jobs.

Cap that off with reports that association with the cannabis industry has barred some veterans access to VA loans, opportunities, and care packages despite their years of faithful and dutiful service.

The Bottom Line

The Bottom Line

Despite the complexities surrounding the use of medical marijuana by vets. More and more of our brave soldiers are beginning to adopt or consider the option. Over the years, on learning of the effectiveness of cannabis. Many have forced to isolate themselves from conventional treatment and self-medicate. Isn’t it about time that vets felt safe about discussing and trying cannabis under the supervision of their doctors and with the support of their families? It’s high time that access to legal marijuana duly granted to those who need it the most. And with the NJ legalization of cannabis, we hope to see this matter treated with the intense urgency it deserves.

We stand in solidarity with our veterans and support organizations such as the Veterans Cannabis Project. Bringing awareness to the adverse conditions our veterans are enduring on a daily basis is just the beginning. You can join the fight for Veterans' Cannabis Access by clicking here.


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