Why Are So Many Celebrities Investing in the CBD and Hemp?

Why Are So Many Celebrities Investing in the CBD and Hemp?

Marijuana legalization is unstoppable. It has already reached 30+ American states and continues its firm stance across America. Besides changing the mindset and attitudes of regular Americans, the legalization process opens many business doors for rich people, such as world-class stars in various industries. They open dispensaries, grow hemp on their branded farms, and create a unique brand identity for their loyal consumers.So, when you look for a weed shop near you, it’s most likely owned by one of your favorite celebs. Read on to see how many famous athletes, singers, and movie actors have recently decided to hop on the fast-moving train of the weed business.

Why Does Weed Business Attract Celebrities?

Things are pretty simple here; the weed business is about big money. Or we can put it differently – it’s about huge money. The cannabis industry is only starting its glorious path in the USA, with immense growth promise in the coming decades. So, every forward-looking person with some spare money and a wish to set up a sustainable startup with sound growth potential considers weed growing a great opportunity today.

Second, growing weed is a business specialization with a unique fleur. Many celebrities have been using weed for many years during their careers and afterward. The current pace of legalization gives them a unique opportunity to pay tribute to their hobby and confess to its use in public.Overall, every famous person has a unique drive to join the cannabis industry. Some athletes claim to invest in weed because it may help other athletes battle pain, injury, and inflammation without addictive, WADA-banned medications. Movie actors and singers often state that they have reaped many benefits from weed use, such as a creativity boost and a burst of energy, so they want to share the same advantages of marijuana with their followers. Let’s look at a few famous weed investors to see what has brought them to this sector.

Jim BelushiJim Belushi, a US Hollywood star recognizable by people of several generations, launched his branded Belushi’s Farm in 2015. The farm operates on a huge area of 93 acres to grow organic, premium-level cannabis for medical and recreational use. Belushi is very invested in the process of growing and supervises all activities on his own. This business is a personal healing haven for the actor, as his older brother John died from a drug overdose. Thus, Belushi committed himself to safe, responsible marijuana production and distribution to help people avoid life-threatening addiction.

Seth RogenAnother interesting weed startup story comes from Seth Rogen, a movie star with a track record of participating in several weed-related comedies. Rogen partnered with his friend Evan Goldberg and created a Houseplant brand. The actor claimed that the new brand was his love confession for weed, as he was a daily weed user with over 20 years of experience. Thus, he transformed that unique relationship with marijuana into a creative, appealing business offering a series of home goods and several unique strains.Snoop DoggA discussion of celebrities involved in the weed business would be incomplete without Snoop Dogg. This famous actor and rap singer has already become a synonym to weed due to his active weed use, promotion in his songs, and participation in weed-related movies. Counter to what many might suggest, Snoop Dogg proved highly consistent and reasonable in his business attitude. The brand he launched in 2015, Leafs by Snoop, has enjoyed high popularity since its onset due to its quality of edible and weed products.

DJ KhaledDJ Khaled launched his brand Blesswell in 2021. His idea of the brand was fused with the users’ need for self-care, which he saw in the multi-purpose use of weed products. Interestingly, this brand’s merchandise doesn’t include any edibles or weed strains you can smoke. Blesswell specializes in men’s grooming products containing CBD. So, you can indulge in the relaxing effect of CBD by using the company’s body washes, cleaning scrubs, and grooming oils.

What Can Go Wrong?

As we’ve just covered the reasons and famous cases of celebrities’ entry into the weed business, it would be fair also to mention why they quit. Though these stories receive much less coverage in the news, not all celeb businesses survive in the highly competitive weed market, regardless of their owners’ popularity and broad follower base. These brands fail because:

  • Celebrities often rely on their charisma and followers more than they should, thus ignoring the need for a strong sales and marketing team and a good arrangement of business processes.
  • Some celebs fall prey to business loopholes in terms of regulatory compliance. They follow their passion and design products for people without caring about the local jurisdiction’s rules. Such businesses quickly fail because of the huge fines and license revocations.
  • Finally, celebrities may fail to convince their followers of their intentions’ sincerity. Weed users are picky about product quality and fair pricing. Thus, they may often distrust celebrity-made brands, thinking that superstars don’t care about quality and just want to make more money. Without an appealing business model, such businesses close quickly because of a lack of demand for their products.

So, here is the story of celebrity participation in the weed business. Some brands are original and unique in their value for clients, while others simply add a new revenue stream to the superstars’ portfolio. Whatever idol you admire, check their weed products for quality and manufacturing safety before becoming a part of their consumer tribe. Click here for the rest of the article !


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