Mouthwatering Holiday Weed Cookies That Fight The Stress

Cannabis Weed Cookies

Stress causes inflammation.  Inflammation damages the body.  Low-levels of chronic inflammation–or chronic stress–drastically increases our risk for many diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and Alzheimer’s.

Not only does research show that low doses of marijuana lower stress, but marijuana also fights inflammation.

Foods Can Fight Inflammation

There are foods that are high in antioxidants. Antioxidants fight inflammation by removing the free radicals that cause cell damage. Cannabis is a powerful antioxidant. Aside from the anti-inflammatory of marijuana oil, these holiday weed cookies contain a variety of other foods that have anti-inflammatory power.

I’m always looking for ways to incorporate anti-inflammatory foods into my diet. These cannabis cookies are ideal because they’re loaded with anti-inflammatory foods like oats, ginger, cranberries, and dark chocolate. But the real stress-busting power in these holiday weed cookies comes from cannabis.

Weed Cookies Fight Inflammation & Are Also Delicious

Maybe a little too delicious. Use caution! Don’t be tempted into eating more than one of these weed cookies until you’ve determined how strong they are. I nearly had a green-out when I made these.


cannabis cookies - cannabis edibles recipes - weed cookies

Cranberry, Cannabis & Chocolate-Chip Weed Cookies

Weed Cookie Ingredients:

Weed Cookie Directions:

  • Cream together brown sugar and coconut oil
  • Mix in egg & vanilla
  • Add dry ingredients until combined
  • Fold in dried cranberries & dark chocolate chips
  • CHILL dough in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes (or your cookies will be flat)
  • Bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes or until the edges begin to brown (the center may still appear moist)

Makes approximately 24 weed cookies

Weed Cookie Dosing:

How strong your weed cookies are, depends on how strong your cannabis oil is.  For this recipe, one teaspoon of cannabis oil was equivalent to one dose.  There are 24 teaspoons in a half-cup. So in this version, one of these weed cookies was equal to one dose.  If your oil is stronger, your cookies will be stronger.

For the complete article, click here


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