Fines For Underage Marijuana Use Proposed In NJ Legal Weed Bill To Meet Murphy’s Demands

State lawmakers have introduced an NJ legal weed bill that lays out fines and other penalties for underage marijuana use in reaction to Gov. Phil Murphy, who refused to sign an NJ legal weed bill without such penalties.

The measure (A5211) levies a fine of at least $250 on people ages 18 to 20 who possess up to six ounces of marijuana, the legal limit for those 21 and over. Juveniles would not have to pay the fine but could face juvenile delinquency dispositions like community service if caught possessing marijuana.

If someone between the ages of 18 and 20 had more than the legal amount to possess. They could face fines of $500 or more under the bill.

New Jersey voters in November said yes to legalizing marijuana for those 21 and older. And legislation only allows people of that age to purchase it from dispensaries.

penalties for underage marijuana

NJ Legal Weed Bill

The change would clear up confusion in the current marijuana legalization bill, which included language that criminalized underage use. That was in conflict with a partner bill to decriminalize marijuana for all ages.

It also makes possessing marijuana a lesser penalty than underage drinking.

Murphy’s office said last week he would not sign marijuana legislation until lawmakers added clear, non-criminal penalties to deter underage use. The office recommended fining those under 21 for marijuana possession.

But legislative sources said lawmakers had intended to end arrests and fines for people under 21 caught with marijuana. The bill introduced by the Assembly marks a compromise — eliminating fines or criminal charges for kids. But not eliminating some consequences.

Cannabis Stash

“The bill is largely a consensus between the Legislature and the governor’s office,” a source within the administration who was not authorized to speak publicly said. “There’s some final technical edits that still need to be made. By and large, the governor’s office is working in good faith with the Legislature to get this finalized for next week.”

Sen. Nicholas Scutari, D-Union, who sponsored the marijuana bill, said. That the chamber will not introduce its own version of the cleanup legislation until Thursday.

“It’s being re-cleaned up as we speak,” Scutari said Tuesday. “That bill that the Assembly has, although it’s very close, it’s not going to be exactly what we’ll introduce.”

Both the Senate and Assembly have scheduled voting sessions for Monday. And could pass the legislation then, sending it back to Murphy to sign into law.

For the rest of the story, click here


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