What is a Dab Pen?
A dab pen, also known as an extract pen or concentrate pen, is a device used to consume cannabis concentrates. It's a small, portable, and discreet vaporizer that heats up the concentrate to produce vapor that can be inhaled. Most dab pens are made up of three components: a battery, a chamber with heating element, and a mouthpiece.
What Concentrates to Use With a Dab Pen?
A variety of substances and consistencies can be used in the Puffco Plus, as long as they are not super runny, sappy or in liquid form. We recommend tying some MuddBrothers Live Rosin Tahoe Cream Badder with yours.
How to use the Puffco Plus?
Load a single use amount (.2g or .3g) into the Plus chamber using the dart. Hold pen vertically when using the Plus to ensure contents heat efficiently.Click the button 5 times consecutively to lock and unlock the unit.Click the button 4 times consecutively to change the temperature setting (Blue - Low, Green - Medium, White - High)For regular use hold the button down and inhale. Pen will automatically shut off after 8 seconds of use.
Are the new Puffco Plus parts compatible with the previous Plus pen’s parts?
Yes, the new Plus parts are compatible with the previous Plus parts.
Can I use my Puffco Plus battery with a 510 cartridge?
While we recommend loading your own concentrates into the Puffco chamber, you can use the Plus battery with a pre-filled cartridge as long as that atomizer has the same 510 threading that is used on the Plus pen’s battery.CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE PUFFCO PLUS